Water is the sign of life, the source of purification and fertility. It possesses medicinal virtues and good health. Water is the source of inspiration.

Oceans are the power of strength, all life is ocean-born. In the ocean life exists therefore the ocean represents life.

Rivers represents the calm beauty of nature, its the sign of ease, grace and fluidity. Fast flowing rivers represent strength.

Butterflies a symbol of resurrection, for it disappears into a cocoon and appears dead, but emerges later far more beautiful and powerful than before.

Water Butterfly

"I am this caterpillar submerged in a womb. Once nurtured, I transform like a butterfly emerging from water to be reborn."

~written by me

Sunday, July 25, 2010

2:53 am

I just dreamt of a white woman & what stood out was her platinum blond almost white lustrous hair. This woman who appeared to be a friend, but in reality I don't know who this white woman is at all & never saw her before. We were talking about alcohol and how I used to drink heavily at social occasions or parties. She mentioned she not a fan of liquor but when necessary she will have a class of red wine.

The conversation continues of me talking about various types of liquor I used to have in my old apartments. Then the scene changes to all of us sitting in the living room talking--me, this white woman, my brother & a black pregnant woman. In the dream she is pregnant by my brother only thing is, this woman is not my brothers girlfriend she's someone else I don't know or ever met before. Both women in my dream are a mystery (?).

As I suggest making fresh popcorn I point out to corn kernels to make popcorn. I then leave to get drinks and the white woman leaves with me. We pick up gallon size bottles of red wine and head back to the home.

The pregnant woman begins to go into labor and I look at my brother asking "who is this woman & why didn't you tell me the 2 of you are expecting?" My brother responds "its not him and he doesn't know who she is (??)." This woman starts to go into labor, in the kitchen the other woman takes out 3 wine glasses and pours red wine into them.

She takes a sip of the red wine, my glass is full and I drink all the red wine the 3rd glass of red wine is on the counter for me to drink as well. My brother comes into the kitchen with jugs of red wine & hands them to me to drink and says "finally the woman's giving birth", then I wake up.

What does this mean? ... la noche buena.


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