Water is the sign of life, the source of purification and fertility. It possesses medicinal virtues and good health. Water is the source of inspiration.

Oceans are the power of strength, all life is ocean-born. In the ocean life exists therefore the ocean represents life.

Rivers represents the calm beauty of nature, its the sign of ease, grace and fluidity. Fast flowing rivers represent strength.

Butterflies a symbol of resurrection, for it disappears into a cocoon and appears dead, but emerges later far more beautiful and powerful than before.

Water Butterfly

"I am this caterpillar submerged in a womb. Once nurtured, I transform like a butterfly emerging from water to be reborn."

~written by me

Saturday, December 4, 2010


This morning I had a dream, I was unable to clear my mind from. The dream sequence first began earlier this morning between the hours of 2 -3am, I wake up from my sleep to shake off this intense dream. When I went back into a deep sleep again the same dream happened only to repeat, I wake up again to shake it off. I wake up once more as this intense dream continued. It was 6:49am. Only to have me asking as I cried why would I have such an intense dream? What am I to do with such visions like this? Where would I begin to search to see if there is truth? Who would believe me??

The Dream:

The person I see in my dream is a white man with dark brown hair, who seems to be wanting this child...

(I wake up)

The Dream:

Same dream sequence repeats itself showing the man but this time the man appears to be the leader or a dominant figure...

(I wake up)

The Dream:

I appear in my own dream trying to protect or save a little boy and we're being chased by 2 men. The boy is not my son but he is someone's son.  I rescue the little boy and run - fast  with him to get away, they chase us. The boy and I run into an elevator of this building to escape, the men take the stairs. Instead of pressing the 1st floor button, 3 people appear in the elevator with us, I am told to press '3' in the elevator get off on the
3rd floor. Me, the 3 people and the little boy get out on the 3rd floor which is a long hallway bright from the natural sun light which is exposed by a wall of windows that has read window panes. As I look through the windows to see the 2 men, one of them is the 1st man I saw in the previous dreams. The little boy runs ahead of me heading outside I chase him to stop him but when I get outside the boy is gone. I search asking for help because he is now missing the 2nd man approaches me. He is another white man with red hair and freckles wearing glasses. He is holding a camera. I ask him where is the man he was with and the little boy. He makes a gester through a smile saying "Don't give up... continue and you will see...". He takes a picture of me then is gone...

(I wake up)

In asking why such an intense dream and what does it mean, I sit quietly to wait then told to look up the dream interpretation for the number 3. This is what I came across:

* This number always has to do with commitment and as such it should be placed in the I Need column. It stands for mind, body and spirit and is a request to commit yourself, mind body and spirit, to improving yourself in the direction indicated in the dream. The number 3 will often appear in dreams about the heart as people who have closed off their heart to others often lack commitment. A triangle or pyramid also indicate commitment and request the dreamer to meditate on the subject matter of the dream.

3 means resurrection, divine, completeness, perfection, Trinity, life, men child, Godhead

* Three
Three signifies life, vitality, inner strength, completion, imagination, creativity, energy, self exploration and experience. Three stands for a trilogy, as in the past, present, and future; father, mother and child; body, mind and soul, etc. Dream of the number three may be telling you that the third time is the charm.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Week 1

It has been a long time since I have posted anything on FB and written on my blogs. Today I watched a film "The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima". The film is based on a biblical story of the Blessed Virgin Mary appearing in Fatima in Portugal to 3 Portuguese Sheppard children. She appeared to them on the 13th day of each month for 6 consecutive months. She first appeared to them May 13th continuing thru to October 13th 1917. There were believers of the 3 children as well as opposers. The faith of these 3 children never diminished their faith & trust in the God and in her grew stronger.

As I sat here to watching the end of this film. The challenges, threats on their lives, and ridicule these children faced when told of a miracle that will happen when they are to meet the Blessed Virgin Mary on the final 13th day in October. The stories of the miracles that happened on that final day wasn't what brought me to tears. The uncertainty, fear of the unknown, doubts that easily approached in the peoples hearts reminded me of my own. The faith, trust and dedication spent every 13th day for 6 months, these children kept their promise to the Blessed Virgin.

This story I remember hearing when I was younger in elementary school to watch a film and see this story now as an adult. I felt ashamed before I could stop, tears began flowing from my face while watching the ending of this film as the people and 3 children witness the rain disappearing and the sun coming out changing it colors and becoming so large as if it was about to crashed down on earth. People ran of fear the world was coming to an end others experienced the miracles that pertained to their physical health. The tears flowed from my eyes more and more because I felt ashamed of not keeping my promises to God & the spirits that walk with me. Even now I can not stop crying.

There has been so much of my circumstances that I am currently in that I have ALLOWED to pull me a stray from the one thing I have... Faith. So I write:

I write to ask you (again) to forgive me for I have allowed the down-fall of my circumstances and financial situations lead me astray from you. I love you with all my heart, my love has never diminished nor will it ever. I have been lead astray because of not having the finances, my own home and the material successes that have lead me to believe would only make me a loyal child of God my spiritual destiny would only consist of those things. I've even been lead astray because of shame -- of not having the proper support for the things I set out to achieve that are important to me the same way I show support for those who seek to achieve their dreams or what is important to them. No longer feeling confident in myself, being a failure and hiding in shame. 

I hear your voice now Lord as I hear the voice of my spirit guide I mustn't make my faith a difficult or unattainable. Begin small and easy to nurture the spiritual seed within me. I hear you say that you know I never stopped loving you nor has my faith left you. You are telling me that my loneliness, pain, hurt, disappointments, burdens, and tears of sadness are yours to take you want to free me of all these if only I be at peace enough to spend time with you. You have heard what I have said before. I need to just take time for me to sit with you again and let you hear what is in my heart. I am being asked for 1 hr per on whatever day per week for 6 weeks to start with, beginning today.

As he has spoken in a low whisper to me I wrote. I will also from today forward re-open my heart for him to hear. I ask for the guidance of those good spirits that walk with me to communicate with me so that I am not afraid or my mind be tainted with false prophecies. I ask for wisdom and knowledge when given this ability to be clairvoyant. When receiving these visions and messages that I am to receive prophecies of truth that will help or heal myself and help others.

In Jesus name... Amen

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fwd: DailyOM: Repeating Patterns of Meaning

November 1, 2010

Repeating Patterns of Meaning


Many people are seeing 11:11 right now, which can be interpreted as an
energetic gateway that has opened for you.

Glancing at the clock may cause us to look again sometimes, especially
when we notice that we've caught it at the same time over and over
again. Maybe we see the same number pattern echoed everywhere we
look—whether on license plates or appliances—over a period of hours or
even days. When we accept that there are no coincidences, we know
there is a message in the numbers for us, and we know to pay attention
to the repeating patterns and search for their true meaning.

Numerology has its basis in the ancient world and tells us that each
number carries its own vibration and symbolic significance. It can
mark the stages of our soul's evolution as we move from one frequency
to the next. Repeating number patterns in our lives may call us to
focus on certain aspects of our lives and rise to approach them from
the best within us. Once we've recognized that there is something we
must look more deeply into, we also must trust that we will be guided
to the people and places that hold the right answers for us.

Numbers, as symbols, can carry personal meanings as well. We may have
our own lucky number that has served us well throughout our lives and
another that reminds us of certain events of significance. If these
are the numbers that are appearing, it may be the right time to delve
into the past for clues about how to handle a present situation. Many
people are seeing 11:11 right now, which can be interpreted as an
energetic gateway that has opened for you and is ready to manifest
your thoughts into reality. Whatever explanations you receive about
the numbers that are appearing everywhere you look, the important
thing is to trust your own guidance as to what they are telling you.

Each culture attaches different meaning to the numbers, so a Chinese
interpretation may be different than an interpretation from Kabalah.
It is up to us to use our intuition to see which is the best fit for
us. If someone has an explanation that doesn't feel right, then this
is not the answer for you but! may be just a clue to keep you moving
on the path. By paying attention to the numbers around us, we use them
as tools to improve our connection to the universe and our awareness
of our choices in life.

Sent from my mobile device

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ibeyes (the twins of Oxum and Chango)


From what I sort of understand through reading, the Ibeyes are the identical twins of Oxum and Chango. Like Eleggua they are practical jokers as well. There are 2 dolls to represent the Ibeyis, a boy dressed in red & white and a girl dressed in blue & white, but I'm still learning so in time I will learn more.

Anyway day 2 of another small blessings received bringing a smile to my face. I was able to pick up my layaway & bring home these 2 pots I think would be unique and beautiful to represent the Ibeyes. The surprise of finding a sopera for Yemaya and now this:


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Yemaya sopera

While given a chance to take a breather, I go to look for a spot to get a ceaser salad end up finding a beautiful sopera for Yemaya. Its was a pleasant unexpected surprise to purchase this sopera at a fantastic price, under $50 bucks!!!!! I'm going to pay for it, bubble wrap it, box it up and take it with me back to my gig. *pffft* I'm so excited I forgot to pick up lunch to take back
I am making those steps to prepare.

1 down ... 4 more to go ...

Gracias Dios :o)

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

15 min break?!?


As I hear this annoying woman scream out "cuuuuut! be back in 15... go now!" In my head I'm thinking (really?!? 4:27 only a 15 min break??). I walk around to see what on earth I can get to eat quickly.
Hmmmm? While I wait for my food let me pop over to look at these 2 wood pots that are different & unique which has caught my eye. Ooooh, I think this would be nice to have for Ibeyes. The price for each is under $15 bucks! *sigh* which I don't have enough. :o(
Ooooh yaaay, I can put on layaway


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Sunday, July 25, 2010

2:53 am

I just dreamt of a white woman & what stood out was her platinum blond almost white lustrous hair. This woman who appeared to be a friend, but in reality I don't know who this white woman is at all & never saw her before. We were talking about alcohol and how I used to drink heavily at social occasions or parties. She mentioned she not a fan of liquor but when necessary she will have a class of red wine.

The conversation continues of me talking about various types of liquor I used to have in my old apartments. Then the scene changes to all of us sitting in the living room talking--me, this white woman, my brother & a black pregnant woman. In the dream she is pregnant by my brother only thing is, this woman is not my brothers girlfriend she's someone else I don't know or ever met before. Both women in my dream are a mystery (?).

As I suggest making fresh popcorn I point out to corn kernels to make popcorn. I then leave to get drinks and the white woman leaves with me. We pick up gallon size bottles of red wine and head back to the home.

The pregnant woman begins to go into labor and I look at my brother asking "who is this woman & why didn't you tell me the 2 of you are expecting?" My brother responds "its not him and he doesn't know who she is (??)." This woman starts to go into labor, in the kitchen the other woman takes out 3 wine glasses and pours red wine into them.

She takes a sip of the red wine, my glass is full and I drink all the red wine the 3rd glass of red wine is on the counter for me to drink as well. My brother comes into the kitchen with jugs of red wine & hands them to me to drink and says "finally the woman's giving birth", then I wake up.

What does this mean? ... la noche buena.


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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Happy Birthday


A spiritual altar is the center of spiritual development in whatever faith you choose to follow. Its a place to acknowledge our ancestors, communicate & get to know our egguns on a daily basis.

Today is my birthday (no not my ocha birthday), I wake up emotionally not in the right place. I still give all praises to God for my health, for my life, and waking up giving thanks for the blessings I have & build my relationship with Him.

I light my candles to celebrate my birth with my ancestors, egguns & those good spirits that walk with me. I ask them all to hear me as I talk with God. I ask God to heal my heart from sorrow, rejection, and loneliness. Heal my spirit that continues to be subjected to the dismissive treatment, unhealthy communication and passive/agressive behaviors from others. Heal my tounge and mind to respond in a negative or ungodly way as a defense mechanism. Help me to use my mind and my voice when speaking up for myself in a healthy way for positive results.

I say this in Jesus name... Amen.


Monday, March 15, 2010


Quote: "With God's power working in us, God can do much, much more than anything we can ask or imagine." ~Ephesians 3:20


There is an importance to acknowledging my ancestors and the knowledge of my lineage. The notion that the spirit world of my ancestors, the world of nature, and human culture bridges the gap of past & present in order to improve the future. By allowing myself to communicate with those good & positive energies, feeling that surge of magnitude that engenders may not be as tangible or visible, but it is real and true.

In making decisions that is God's Will, I am provided with powerful tools to protect, help and assist me in making positive, productive and an insightful growth/changes in my life. It can be equally effective knowing that life is not accidental or unplanned experiences but a journey in life that can offer endless possibilities and pleasures.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Harmony of Spiritual and Material

Quote: "What makes life worthwhile is having a big enough objective,
something which catches our imagination and lays
hold of our allegiance...What higher, more exalted,
and more compelling goal can there be than to know God?"


It was a fulfilled day for me in taking my first step into uderstandig the basic principle in life, that my spiritual and material sides within me are not separate nor in battle against myself with myself.
... I 'm letting all that GO!!!

It taken years (MANY years) and some time for me to get that simple equation that for either to succeed both spiritual and physical must work in balance together.

Now my only obligation is to make the most of my potential.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Beautiful Woman of God

There is this quiet place that had a nice stream of water running through it with geese & ducks up in the Bronx, a friend of mine once took me to talk privately with Ochun...introduce everything about myself & speaking to Ochun from my heart about everything in my life. Very early this morning I woke up having that feeling of sadness in my heart so I conversed out loud to God, in doing so I had a strong sense of spending the later part of my morning at that quiet place by the water and have a deep conversation with God, Jesus and Ochun, it had been some time that has passed since I was last there but I didn't like how my heart was feeling and those feelings needed to be dealt with openly and released.

As my conversation began so much had come out I was open & honest in conversing...I began crying not realizing I had no control over my feelings. More & more & MORE tears were released....just sobbing out in the cold winter. These tears of sadness & deep hurt became tears of cleansing and cleansing it was. I didn't even realized I was sitting on the ice cold snow that was still left from the mini snow storm prior, that people passing through as a short cut to get to where they were going could hear me crying & talking and how the ducks in the water were so close quietly quaking low amongst each other as if they understood my conversation I was having aloud.

So much, so much in my life and yet still the pain...still more to let go...then healing, while sitting out there I guess one of the passer-bys had walked back through and in walking back this man noticed my journal had fallen out of my pocket and handed it to me, in doing so he said "They all hear you and you are loved you must believe that you are loved and God never left you nor stopped loving you & never will...its good to not just pray from a book but from my heart just keep your trust in them."

Now he did apologize for walking up to & scaring me. I guessed he was caught off-guard as well by my reaction. Let me tell ya I have to be honest I was caught off guard--even scared because this man just walked up to me out of the blue and I quickly put my "Nuyorican-from-the-Block" attitude into 1st gear all ready & prepared in defense mode but all I could do is step back (FAR away) from him still listening to what he was saying. He then continued "it was good of you to sit with her" then wished me a Happy Valentine's Day & continue towards his destination.

Uuuuh Yeaaaa *raised eyebrow* I KNOW!!!...my thoughts exactly "ok its time to go now" so as I leave my journal had slipped out of my hands and fell in the snow it was open on the very first page which that I happened to glance at and read:

You are a Beautiful Woman of God, precious to Him in every way. As you Seek Him, He will show you the mysteries of life and unfold His unique plans for you-a life full of rich blessing.

God cares about you and knows all the desires of your heart. He is as close as breathing. Let this journal inspire you to express your thoughts, record your prayers, embrace your dreams, and listen to what God is saying to you.

Be strong in the Lord and may His peace guide your heart always.
Even though this was written for a journal, in this paragraph. They DID hear and found ways to respond to me....so with that being said I headed back towards the train station. As promised earlier when I sat near the stream I will be back next Sunday.

Thank you for stopping to read my openness of how I felt today,it is very hard since I am so private, maybe someone else needed to know too that they are not alone.

Happy Valentine's Day to you all.

Walking in Faith, Praise & Blessings!