Water is the sign of life, the source of purification and fertility. It possesses medicinal virtues and good health. Water is the source of inspiration.

Oceans are the power of strength, all life is ocean-born. In the ocean life exists therefore the ocean represents life.

Rivers represents the calm beauty of nature, its the sign of ease, grace and fluidity. Fast flowing rivers represent strength.

Butterflies a symbol of resurrection, for it disappears into a cocoon and appears dead, but emerges later far more beautiful and powerful than before.

Water Butterfly

"I am this caterpillar submerged in a womb. Once nurtured, I transform like a butterfly emerging from water to be reborn."

~written by me

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Week 1

It has been a long time since I have posted anything on FB and written on my blogs. Today I watched a film "The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima". The film is based on a biblical story of the Blessed Virgin Mary appearing in Fatima in Portugal to 3 Portuguese Sheppard children. She appeared to them on the 13th day of each month for 6 consecutive months. She first appeared to them May 13th continuing thru to October 13th 1917. There were believers of the 3 children as well as opposers. The faith of these 3 children never diminished their faith & trust in the God and in her grew stronger.

As I sat here to watching the end of this film. The challenges, threats on their lives, and ridicule these children faced when told of a miracle that will happen when they are to meet the Blessed Virgin Mary on the final 13th day in October. The stories of the miracles that happened on that final day wasn't what brought me to tears. The uncertainty, fear of the unknown, doubts that easily approached in the peoples hearts reminded me of my own. The faith, trust and dedication spent every 13th day for 6 months, these children kept their promise to the Blessed Virgin.

This story I remember hearing when I was younger in elementary school to watch a film and see this story now as an adult. I felt ashamed before I could stop, tears began flowing from my face while watching the ending of this film as the people and 3 children witness the rain disappearing and the sun coming out changing it colors and becoming so large as if it was about to crashed down on earth. People ran of fear the world was coming to an end others experienced the miracles that pertained to their physical health. The tears flowed from my eyes more and more because I felt ashamed of not keeping my promises to God & the spirits that walk with me. Even now I can not stop crying.

There has been so much of my circumstances that I am currently in that I have ALLOWED to pull me a stray from the one thing I have... Faith. So I write:

I write to ask you (again) to forgive me for I have allowed the down-fall of my circumstances and financial situations lead me astray from you. I love you with all my heart, my love has never diminished nor will it ever. I have been lead astray because of not having the finances, my own home and the material successes that have lead me to believe would only make me a loyal child of God my spiritual destiny would only consist of those things. I've even been lead astray because of shame -- of not having the proper support for the things I set out to achieve that are important to me the same way I show support for those who seek to achieve their dreams or what is important to them. No longer feeling confident in myself, being a failure and hiding in shame. 

I hear your voice now Lord as I hear the voice of my spirit guide I mustn't make my faith a difficult or unattainable. Begin small and easy to nurture the spiritual seed within me. I hear you say that you know I never stopped loving you nor has my faith left you. You are telling me that my loneliness, pain, hurt, disappointments, burdens, and tears of sadness are yours to take you want to free me of all these if only I be at peace enough to spend time with you. You have heard what I have said before. I need to just take time for me to sit with you again and let you hear what is in my heart. I am being asked for 1 hr per on whatever day per week for 6 weeks to start with, beginning today.

As he has spoken in a low whisper to me I wrote. I will also from today forward re-open my heart for him to hear. I ask for the guidance of those good spirits that walk with me to communicate with me so that I am not afraid or my mind be tainted with false prophecies. I ask for wisdom and knowledge when given this ability to be clairvoyant. When receiving these visions and messages that I am to receive prophecies of truth that will help or heal myself and help others.

In Jesus name... Amen

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