Water is the sign of life, the source of purification and fertility. It possesses medicinal virtues and good health. Water is the source of inspiration.

Oceans are the power of strength, all life is ocean-born. In the ocean life exists therefore the ocean represents life.

Rivers represents the calm beauty of nature, its the sign of ease, grace and fluidity. Fast flowing rivers represent strength.

Butterflies a symbol of resurrection, for it disappears into a cocoon and appears dead, but emerges later far more beautiful and powerful than before.

Water Butterfly

"I am this caterpillar submerged in a womb. Once nurtured, I transform like a butterfly emerging from water to be reborn."

~written by me

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Happy Birthday


A spiritual altar is the center of spiritual development in whatever faith you choose to follow. Its a place to acknowledge our ancestors, communicate & get to know our egguns on a daily basis.

Today is my birthday (no not my ocha birthday), I wake up emotionally not in the right place. I still give all praises to God for my health, for my life, and waking up giving thanks for the blessings I have & build my relationship with Him.

I light my candles to celebrate my birth with my ancestors, egguns & those good spirits that walk with me. I ask them all to hear me as I talk with God. I ask God to heal my heart from sorrow, rejection, and loneliness. Heal my spirit that continues to be subjected to the dismissive treatment, unhealthy communication and passive/agressive behaviors from others. Heal my tounge and mind to respond in a negative or ungodly way as a defense mechanism. Help me to use my mind and my voice when speaking up for myself in a healthy way for positive results.

I say this in Jesus name... Amen.


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