Water is the sign of life, the source of purification and fertility. It possesses medicinal virtues and good health. Water is the source of inspiration.

Oceans are the power of strength, all life is ocean-born. In the ocean life exists therefore the ocean represents life.

Rivers represents the calm beauty of nature, its the sign of ease, grace and fluidity. Fast flowing rivers represent strength.

Butterflies a symbol of resurrection, for it disappears into a cocoon and appears dead, but emerges later far more beautiful and powerful than before.

Water Butterfly

"I am this caterpillar submerged in a womb. Once nurtured, I transform like a butterfly emerging from water to be reborn."

~written by me

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Harmony of Spiritual and Material

Quote: "What makes life worthwhile is having a big enough objective,
something which catches our imagination and lays
hold of our allegiance...What higher, more exalted,
and more compelling goal can there be than to know God?"


It was a fulfilled day for me in taking my first step into uderstandig the basic principle in life, that my spiritual and material sides within me are not separate nor in battle against myself with myself.
... I 'm letting all that GO!!!

It taken years (MANY years) and some time for me to get that simple equation that for either to succeed both spiritual and physical must work in balance together.

Now my only obligation is to make the most of my potential.


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